Pink Beef Roulade with Herb Mushrooms and Blood Oranges

Rating: 4.0547 / 5.00 (128 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For the pink beef roulade with herb mushrooms and blood oranges, portion the beef. Cover the slices with the parsley leaves, roll up tightly, tie with spaghetti, season and sear briefly on all 4 sides in a pan with a little olive oil. Then remove from the pan and cook in the oven at 65 °C for about 2 hours.

Using a peeler, carefully peel the orange from the peel of the blood oranges. Blanch the peels in water, rinse with cold water and cut into small cubes. Juice the orange. Bring water with salt and orange peels to a boil. Stir in polenta, add orange juice and bring to a boil. Cover and let the polenta simmer over very low heat for about 10 minutes and finish with butter.

Chop the herb seedlings and young onion, peel and finely chop the shallots. Fry briefly in a pan with olive oil and season.

Remove the spaghetti from the roulade, cut open and arrange the pink beef roulade with herb seedlings and the blood orange polenta.

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