3-Cheese Omelet

Rating: 3.8165 / 5.00 (158 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For the 3-cheese omelet, cut the esterkron into cubes. Coarsely grate the Gouda, finely chop the sage. Mix eggs, milk, parmesan and pepper.

Heat olive oil in a large frying pan and pour in mixture. Continue to fry, not too hot.

As soon as the surface begins to set, top one half with the Easter lemon cubes and sprinkle with Gouda.

Carefully fold the second half over the top. Leave in the pan for a short while longer, until the cheese has melted.

Slide the 3-cheese omelet onto a plate and sprinkle with the chopped sage.

Preparation Tip:

The 3-cheese omelet tastes great as a quick dinner with toast or brown bread. I have intentionally nothing salted, because the cheese is anyway very spicy.

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